The Story of my Claude Monet “Waterlilies” Inspired Bulletin Board
One of our goals as teachers at the start of every school year is to have the hallway bulletin boards ready before welcoming students back and I always get really excited about all the possibilities and directions I can take with this task.
Even though I get a lot of inspiration and a flood of ideas, I do like to stay consistent with my theme: post-impressionism art. For the 2018/2019 school year, my bulletin board was a recreation of Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night:
This year, I took on Claude Monet. I’ve always admired his effortless brushwork, and his commitment to painting waterlilies in all the beautiful days and ways the sunlight hits them. I made my way over to the art room to collect the supplies I would need: construction paper and .. more construction paper.
It’s now proudly hanging on the hallway out side my classroom alongside this quote: